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Fallout TV Show - Vault-Talk Ep 3


We're going through each episode of the Fallout on Prime TV Show - join Jessica-Star, Andrew, Ray, and Wil as we recap and untangle the narrative of episode 3 'The Head'.

This instalment sees our characters wrestling with a deadly gulper and dealing with moral quandaries both in the Wasteland and the Vault. One of the highlights is the bond forming in adversity between Maximus and Thaddeus and it's the source of a lot of comedy too. Meanwhile, the ghoul captures Lucy, and his past as the inspiration for Vault Boy is revealed, adding depth to his bitter relationship with the post-apocalyptic world.

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This episode is titled The Head. Maximus assumes Titus's identity and the Brotherhood sends a new squire, Thaddeus, Lucy is attacked by a gulper which swallows Wilzig's head. Howard arrives, that's Cooper Howard with CX 404, and uses Lucy as bait to lure out the gulper but the chems which maintain his health are destroyed in the attempt. Leaving CX 404 behind, the ghoul departs with Lucy as his prisoner. Maximus and Thaddeus track the head to the same location and defeat the gulper, recovering the head and taking custody of CX 404.

These three were the ones directed by Jonathan Nolan and written by the showrunners themselves, but the characters and the general idea is pretty consistent, I think.

Feo, fuerte y formal. Which is one that becomes referenced multiple times throughout the series.

Cooper was an actor. He's ex military, and he's playing this sheriff character.

Cadillac Bob has been fired for being a communist.

it's a new America we're building, we want to show that, and he talks to him as they're walking outside on lunch break, that even a good man can be pushed too far.

Ugly? He becomes ghoulified. Strong? He, all he has is the strength in the wasteland, being the toughest and the strongest. And with dignity?

And so we're meeting his wife. They've got this kind of flirty relationship. They're funny.

she works with Vault Tec and she gives him a box and says, here, this is for you. You're going to want to put this on.

maybe not that his costume. Was made in Vault Tec colors, but his Vault Tec outfit was made in Cooper Howard colors.

And he puts out the thumb and they kick the photo. And that's the iconic photo that has been used in all the billboards and advertising.

So, Cooper, Howard, the ghoul, and Dogmeat have found Wilzig's body.

And it nebulizes it all in one like puff of like, Jesus Christ, that's there's still some medicine.

And that's not jet, right? That's whatever makes him not go feral.

So she turns it over, she's feeling it. And then she finds a little area that zaps her.

And Max is working on his power armor.

And Knight Titus, you know, they're trying to check in. Knight Titus. And he answers as Titus this is Maximus making a big mistake.

But so that I think that's his motivation. That might've been in the moment. Yeah. Cause this whole thing was, he wanted that power.

So they say, we'll send you a new squire right away.

Going through the power armor, he finds the part that's not working. Seems to be some kind of I don't know, like a spark plug?

Why are they extracting teeth? I have no idea. Making necklaces? Can you implant them into other people? Like what, what do you do with old teeth?

But yeah, it's funny that he comes back and basically, he's got the five, he puts it down and he said, extra caps if you can get it done as quick as possible right?

And as for someone who had a couple of teeth extracted not too long ago, and for knowing his location in the wasteland, he is much too functional for someone who just had teeth yanked out of his head. I feel like Max has been through a lot.

Yeah, and he's about to go through a whole lot more, but it's not done yet.

It's not that he's not intelligent, but he's a little more perceptive than he is intelligent.

this whole scene, it was a pretty good fight.

Hey, this guy's barbarian he goes back in, but I mean, he makes it work, you know, smacking him, wrenching him around with the toilet seat, are you about to fight me or fix my plumbing?

And when he reached his arm into the power armor, just grabbed the leader's head. Oh, that was awesome.

one of my friends messaged me when we're talking about that episode after we'd watched it before, we're still in and they're like, did you see the gross scene, the power armor? And I'm like, gross scene. No, I didn't see any gross scenes.

New orders are to, get this person whoever has what he's carrying will have control of the wasteland.

And he and Lucy had that brief moment of connection, seeing each other, of like, I want to help her.

Everything's pretty much in the greater LA area. Probably only like 80 square miles or so.

In the background. . There's a large donut shop that is actually a major California landmark. Randy's donuts.

I mean, this super sweet little shot , to like, turn the tables when it's suddenly snatched away by the gulper.

The Wasteland Golden Rule. The most identifiable thing ever said by anyone in a show.

It's also while they're in this room here, they show that poster and this is the first time that we actually realize that yes, these three vaults are connected

I don't think Betty is evil, but I do think that she's manipulative as we'll see in future episodes.

Because all Wastelanders give off radiation. We can track it with this.

Sometimes the easy way is the best.

I'm not torturing you. I'm using you for bait.

you can judge a society by how they treat their enemies.

we should do what they would have done to us,

we're definitely picking up an abomination, sir. It's right this way.

Thaddeus comes up to the water and just as he says, we might not be tracking the right abomination, the gulper jumps out.

Maximus does because of that exchange, he feels like, yeah, he does need to start doing the right thing.

Maximus jumps in and starts punching.

Lucy is looking parched.

he's really upset about that for whatever reason.

Lucy's Pip Boy, I know, is making radiation noises.

Water, water everywhere. Not a drop to drink.

It's from the rhyme of the ancient mariner.

Vault Boy's head is shot out with a big ol hole because the ghoul has shot through it right there.

He was, he hates Vault Tec because he was at some point their spokesperson before all this went horribly wrong.

You get why he hates Vault Tec, just, you know, From his story,

Vault Tec is a private company, but they've got all these different products, they are creating the vaults the government is having them create vaults all over the country to try to help save people should the worst come to happen.

Yeah, you can see some furtiveness already, right?

It was really more, we're seeing these characters get more established.

The genuine joy after they survived the gulper that seemed like a really good bonding moment for Thaddeus and Maximus.

it was the third episode where they stopped, but I feel like maybe it does kind of wrap up the initial episodes.