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Fallout TV Show - Vault-Talk Ep 4


We're going through each episode of the Fallout on Prime TV Show - join Jessica-Star, Andrew, Ray, and Wil as we recap and discuss episode 4 'The Ghouls'.

From uncovering dark secrets in Vault 32 to exploring ethical dilemmas and survival in the wasteland, we get into the emotional dynamics among the characters, harsh realities faced by ghouls, and the manipulation and alliances forged in the post-apocalyptic world. A LOT of implications in this one.

Unpack the characters, lore, and connections to the greater Fallout universe with us!

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In Vault 33, Norm becomes suspicious after an exchange with a captive raider. He and Chet explore Vault 32, discovering that its residents died two years prior as a consequence of infighting, and that someone used his deceased mother Rose's Pip Boy to let the raiders in.

The ghoul encounters his friend, Roger, a ghoul on the brink of going feral. He kills Roger and cannibalizes him in front of Lucy.

The ghoul takes Lucy to an abandoned supermarket. He trades her to a gang of organ harvesters for replacement chems, but collapses before the trade is complete. About to be cut open, Lucy fights back and frees the captive ghouls held by the harvesters.

I think this was maybe my favorite episode of the series and certainly my favorite so far.

I think it's you know, Modern Company's Chinese Theater now.

The setting, we've talked about how sometimes the cinematography, because it's so much desert and buildings disappeared, you can see these wide shots where nothing exists and yet area that had the stars on it, there's just a ram shackle shack.

You know, ghouls were really the only thing around because people hadn't started emerging to be able to, start repopulating the wasteland.

It's my time or is it time? Says you're starting to turn.

There is a method from fending off turning feral, right? It's like we see all the empty vials around the ground.

This is a whole new thing in lore that we haven't seen before. And it actually caused Some real conversation.

It's not like it's lore breaking, except for the only thing that I wonder about is, we assume Cooper Howard or the ghoul, we know he's from pre war, like how quickly did they get this drug working

Because they really don't get into this that much. That it's not, what all ghouls take to go from Feral. That would be ridiculous, because we've played years and years of games with no indication or nothing like that whatsoever.

This is a thing that has been discovered that once a ghoul starts going Feral, can push it off.

Ghouls are healed by rads. That's interesting, too.

it does seem to be, genetic, like how some people become ghouled and some don't.

So it's a TV show about a video game, but we're going to get video games That are going to have aspects of the TV show in it later.

Cooper starts reminiscing with Roger to calm him down, to give him a second to think before they were goalified, what food used to taste like,

You gotta shoot him in the head.

Sometimes a fella's gotta eat a fella. Wasteland survival of the fittest.

jerky, don't make it self, you gotta, get in there and get the work done, right?

one more thing is when he, or when he's first doing it and he's cutting into, his back and stuff, Lucy yells at him to stop and Ghoul looks at her quick and he's like, what did you say your name was?

He shares his cannibal perk card with her, and he's like, get to cutting.

There's what they say they did and what they actually did.

I don't feel like he just kills wantonly. All the time.

Reg and Woody. They're putting up posters. They're running for overseer.

Everyone knows that maximum 200 population in a vault, your shelter can't have more than done in shelter. Golden Rule, which, which game is that Canon from? Oh, I thought all games. But of course the superior best fallout game, out shelter.

Yeah, there's vaults for their testing overpopulation. Population density ones, you know, that's terrible. Non canon vaults.

unlike in Shelter? See, because we know there are only 121, 122 volts, but in Shelter you give it all kinds of numbers. Sure can. There's a, up to 999 you can do, right?

But clever boys. She just says, clever boys. Well. You should be glad you haven't seen what happens when that happens.

we just know the other two are running. Yeah. Yeah. That are on the council, but I was going to say for, those who play the games and stuff like that, if you look at various vaults, they had different methods of tackling who would be overseer.

I feel like Betty is a little more manipulative and clever than we realize. You should see what happens when clever girls get

He simply says, I'm you, sweetie, just give it a little time.

I think this is the first honest exchange we've had. That's awesome.

And she's just checking in you can tell she's checking on him.

How are you doing? How are you holding up, Chet?

I gotta admit, not well. First losing Lucy and then losing his job. And he just doesn't know, he had the line last episode where he said, I don't even know who I am anymore.

And you can tell he's feeling kind of lost right here and vulnerable.

he's in love with Lucy, but it's, he knows that actually is impossible.

she's like, oh, but I want you to have his shoes

I think this was all planned.

She needs to get Chet so they can murder the raiders.

He says purpose of why you're here.

The robot just says condition grading requires physical evaluation.

So we now know that coup has to take a vial a day.

He's been using all his strength to stand and maintain his composure, and be a bastard, like he is. And he just kind of collapses and falls to the ground because he needs his medicine.

We know it keeps people from going feral, but it seems to be more like he is pretty weak without it. But you also know he's got a big drug issue.

Cause he hasn't, he hasn't had any access to drugs, for quite a while now.

I'm only going to harvest your organs. Now be still, this won't hurt a bit.

the fact that his programming is so off that he has no idea it's been 200 years.

I need to check something out. Do you want to get out of here and not quickly? Yes, let's go.

Maybe because you're still in love with my sister and being with me reminds you of her?

The mouse utopia experiment. That, that they can, they have all the food they can eat and padding to sleep on and all this stuff. But, eventually overpopulation occurs and the mice begin to fight , for what was once bountiful food and space. And then they start eating each other to survive.

They're communal vaults. I think Vault 32 was very much like 33 prior to stuff happening.

Like when you're in a horror movie, there's a reason why people are watching the killer clown movie on the TV when you go in the room and it's not because they always watch killer clown movies.

And Chet is horrified by this, cause Norm says they strangle each other and Chet says with their hand, like, I don't know what else you'd use.

But now it's being pushed by Snip Snip down through a big rim.

The truth is they do more than just this drug, they are harvesting organs because you look at the signs, and it says ghoul brains, 500 caps,

So the feral, as it was going feral, they were dropping the price of the organs

Do her now so she's ready for the next drop off.

So he's obviously a medical bot that's been repurposed for this purpose and he's still going through his routine because he's just a robot, he knows his programming,

It looks so fucking cool, but it looks so real to me, you know?

it said the no fudge here,

so they hit a button and a bunch of the doors open and you see the ghouls Looking and like, Oh my God, the doors are open.

Lucy's out there making things better.

And Lucy is actually really happy, she smiles, you can see, she's , okay, this is great I'm actually doing something good.

Yeah, we didn't see the ones on the left when she first came in. We saw Martha, but we didn't see the truly, already fully feral ones.

She pushes Snipsnip away and jumps hard the left. And so they go running by her.

Three ghouls and two guys are dead. But still there's Martha.

my name is Martha, but then also fighting off Turing Ferrell, much like Roger, but even worse.

that's right. That's right. You're Martha. And, just, it's okay, trying to bring some sense into it.

Lucy says, why did you say that name? That wasn't my mother's name.

she falls back on purpose. She grabs a 10 millimeter and shoots Martha while she's in the air

I want that ghoul's gun in the game.

The gun runners arsenal you know?

So she kills Martha and she struggles up and she looks around at the carnage.

She knows that the medicine here in the vials is what the ghoul is after, because that's what they were going to trade for.

There you are, my little killer.

Do you, turn into them and he can't really speak much, but he just faintly nods

I may end up looking like you, but I'll never be like you.

Perk unlocked. Curse words.

Death to management,

it's safe to say they went bananas.

There's a name on the Pip Boy, Rose McClane.

How did the not overseer who was actually a Raider Moldaver get in the vault, used Rose's Pip Boy, seemed to recognize them.

How did she steal Rose's Pip Boy? And get it out of the vault, but we don't get any of those answers right now.

Where she says golden roll, mother fluffer and walks off.

I hope you like the taste of lead, you commie son of a bitch.

I thought he was coked out of his mind and just reminiscing about the good old days.

He reaches into the box and pulls out handfuls of drugs and puts them in his hat.

Like you're starting to become more ghoulified yourself when you take the ghoulish perk.

One of my favorites, I loved the way we actually met various ghouls.

These Pip boys in the show They are Pip boy three thousands, like we have so far 3 and New Vegas and 4, but they're Mark V

What functionality wise, what do they do in the show and games that it's different? I feel like, I don't know. We know they have these little trackers that they can plan on people now too, that's not something we've seen in the game.

Speaking of radio, I was thinking, can they tune to like, three dog or whatever, I mean, like an equivalent of DJ Travis or we have the violin station later, they can tune into some transmissions with Pip boy.

We know they've got the the radiation, the Geiger counter, although it operates differently where they seem to actually have to focus it and turn it on and off more here.

Will they have maps of everywhere they go? They definitely have maps.

So it has maps, but messages back and forth, like when she's applying for the Triennium Exchange to get herself a hubs from over in Vault 32.

Yeah, so the real big difference we don't see her have a quest log, but I mean she could not that automatically updates

Having a DJ is iconic. And so they hint at it in a later episode, but yeah, we don't really get one.